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CytoSure array and NGS products for cytogenetics and rare disease

Featuring the new constitutional NGS platform for cytogenetic research, alongside a broad range of arrays for rare disease and cancer research

CytoSure® is a collection of products that have been developed with input from leaders in the fields of cytogenetics, cancer and rare disease research – which have been optimized to provide the most relevant content and sensitivity.

OGT has over 2 decades' experience in the development of microarrays and we have used that experience to provide CytoSure arrays for investigating a large range of disease phenotypes, with excellent CNV and LOH calling, down to the exon level.

CytoSure has expanded to include NGS platforms for cytogenetic and rare disease research that have the same superior CNV calling as the arrays but also the added benefit of SNV and Indel calling.

Both the arrays and NGS platforms are supported by complimentary analytical software, CytoSure Interpret and Interpret, respectively. These software packages have been developed at OGT and have been designed to be adaptable and user-friendly.

The CytoSure array workflow

Scanning Image


Step 3 of the CytoSure array workflow.
  • Agilent C or SureScan
  • Innopsys Innoscan 710 & 900
  • Axon / Molecular devices GenePix 4300 & 4400
  • NimbleGen MS200 / Tecan Power Scanner

The CytoSure NGS workflow

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Featured CytoSure resources

Have a question or want to know more about our CytoSure array and NGS products?

Call +44 (0)1865 856800 Email Send us a message and we will get back to you