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Sureseq LogoCytoSure array logo.
Disease focus
Regulatory status
For research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product summary

  • Technology NGS
  • Application Hematology, Cytogenetics & rare disease
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Targeted gene panels for next generation sequencing technologies (NGS) are useful tools to analyse specific mutations in a given DNA sample. Focused panels contain only a select set of genes or gene regions allowing a cost-effective approach to focus your research.

NGS uses parallel short-read DNA sequencing, genome alignment and assembly methods to digitally and rapidly analyse genomic sequence information. This fast-sequencing approach allows researchers to study the genetic causes of rare diseases and cancers, or make genome-level comparative analysis.

The two most common methods for library preparation are amplicon sequencing and hybridization capture

With the hybridization method DNA is fragmented and tagged with appropriate barcodes and then subsequently amplified. Hybridization is a more robust technique with the advantage of providing better uniformity of coverage, fewer false positives, and superior variant detection due to fewer PCR cycles.

The amplicon-based library preparation method creates a targeted sequencing library from your DNA sample using two basic steps: 1) capture and amplification of the targeted sequences of interest to yield a pool of appropriately sized fragments, 2) addition of sequencing adapters that will later interact with the NGS platform of choice.

Read more about hybridization vs amplicon here

Probes used in the capture step of the library preparation are designed based on the targeted sequences of interest. 

The adapter ligation step uniquely tags the DNA fragments with specific oligonucleotide sequences that will interact with the surface of a sequencing flow cell. If multiple samples are to be sequenced in a single sequencing run, a unique identifier, or barcode, is additionally ligated to the targeted fragments. The resulting completed libraries can be pooled into a single sequencing run that is then “demultiplexed” during data analysis. 

Read our NGS Success tips

Classic library preparation protocols consist of lengthy multistep processes that require costly reagents and substantial hands-on-time.

OGT's Universal NGS Workflow Solution V2 includes a combined multi-enzymatic fragmentation, end repair and A-tailing step together with convenient bead concentration steps, delivering increased convenience and flexibility for our highest quality library preparation.

  • Streamlined workflow. New enzymatic fragmentation, end repair and A-tailing improves sample throughput
  • Unique Dual Index (UDI)/Unique Molecular Index (UMI): Inclusion of UDI and UMI adapters increases multiplexing efficiency and confidence, delivering robust and reliable results.
  • Complete solution. A simplified system including all necessary reagents, without the need for expensive supporting hardware; assuring a guaranteed output
  • Increased throughput and confidence: Choice of pack size, with 24 or 96 unique dual indexes delivering multiplexing efficiency

SureSeq and CytoSure NGS workflow


The complete library preparation solution for unparalleled next generation sequencing (NGS) results

Find the complete product profile here

Universal NGS Workflow Solution V2 is our latest and most advanced system for capture of targeted genomic regions and generation of NGS libraries, tested and optimised with both SureSeq™ and CytoSure® NGS panels.

OGT’s Universal NGS Workflow Solution V2 has a combined multi-enzymatic fragmentation, end repair and A-tailing step followed by convenient bead concentration steps, leading to the need of fewer clean-up and QC steps, to deliver scalability and reproducibility while minimizing human errors.

Additionally, the inclusion of Unique Dual Index (UDI)/Unique Molecular Index (UMI) adapters in the first phase of library preparation increases the kit multiplexing efficiency and confidence, enhancing capabilities to include sensitive applications. OGT’s Universal Hybridisation & Wash Kit simplifies this key step while offering excellent coverage uniformity and reproducibility.

Unique Dual Indexes (UDI) and Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI) included

The Universal NGS Workflow Solution V2 uses a Unique Dual Indexing strategy to ensure accurate demultiplexing and avoid index hopping and Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI) for reliable identification of low-frequency variants.

Sensitive and reproducible variant detection and industry-leading coverage uniformity

The Universal NGS Workflow Solution V2 works hand-in-hand with both CytoSure NGS Constitutional kit as well as with SureSeq targeted cancer enrichment panels, ensuring you get the most sensitive and reproducible variant detection and industry-leading coverage uniformity.

Interpret NGS analysis software

Interpret is OGT’s powerful, easy-to-use and customizable next-generation sequencing analysis solution delivers accurate calling of SNVs and indels, as well as structural aberrations, including ITDs, PTDs, CNVs, LOH and translocations.

Interpret is designed to work seamlessly with SureSeq and CytoSure NGS panels offering flexible accessibility for data analysis; whether through a stand-alone computer, laboratory server or another web-enabled device.

The OGT partnership

OGT partnership approach is key to providing the highest level of service, working closely with you to understand your unique challenges, customizing our approach to meet your exact needs.

Discover our bespoke solutions with customized NGS Panel and software customisation options.

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