
Tips include why you should set up reactions on ice and advice for the use of fragmentase in lieu of physical fragmentation.

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Comparison of mechanical and enzymatic fragmentation methods

Figure 1: Comparison of mechanical and enzymatic fragmentation methods using Agilent High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay. Size distribution should be with a peak between 150 to 250 bp (+/– 10%). Samples treated with fragmentase display a broad shoulder indicative of a wide-range of fragment sizes = Blue Trace. Samples sheared by Covaris (or similar) will have a narrow peak = Orange trace.


Comparison of enzymetic fragmentation incubation times

Figure 2: Comparison of Enzymetic fragmentation incubation times using Agilent High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape. Graphs show increasing the fragmentation time results in a gradually decreasing peak size corresponding to a reduced yield of DNA.

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